Types of Trust...
Below are our articles on the subject of Types of Trust. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Accumulation and Maintenance and Mixed Trusts
Looking at the characteristics of accumulation and maintenance and mixed trusts, and examines the circumstances in which these might be used....

Implied and Express Trusts
Looking at the distinction between implied and express trusts, and between presumed and automatic implied trusts....

Incentive Trusts: Encouraging Responsibility
What the characteristics of incentive trusts are, and their potential uses....

Other Types of Trust
All the characteristics of fixed, discretionary and hybrid trusts, and examines their potential uses....

Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
Explaining the differences between revocable and irrevocable trusts, and the circumstances in which each might be used....

What is a Bare Trust?
Explaining the characteristics of bare trusts, and the way in which they can be used as tax-efficient methods to save for children....

When is a Trust Constructive?
Explaining looks at the characteristics of a constructive trust, and examines situations in which such a trust might arise....

When is a Trust Public or Private?
Looking at the distinctions between public (also known as charitable) and private trusts....

When Would I Use a Discretionary Trust?
Looking at the characteristics of a discretionary trust, and examines the ways in which such a trust might be used to mitigate an inheritance tax liability....

When Would I Use an Interest in Possession Trust?
Explaining the characteristics of interest in possession trusts, and the circumstances in which they might be used....